Amikom visit SMK YAPIS Timika in Papua

Monday, January 21, 2013 exactly at 06:05 CET, representatives of the academic community AMIKOM STMIK Yogyakarta arrived in the land of Papua Timika. The arrival of a group of which Mr. Rum Amikom Muhammad Andri as Deputy Chairman (Puket) I, Mr Erik Hadi Saputra as Head of Public Relations, and Muhammad Zulfa Naufan and Reiza Ghulam Akmal as Student Promotion Staff were warmly welcomed by Mr. and Mr Syamsul Sahaka as teachers of SMK Islamic Education Foundation (YAPIS) Timika Papua.
Aims and Objectives Amikom to SMK YAPIS first connect to the entire academic community friendship SMK YAPIS've established well in advance, it is proved by a form of cooperation conducted between Amikom and YAPIS. Forms of cooperation that have been done are Amikom accept some students from SMK YAPIS to perform Industry Employment Practices (Prakerin) across multiple business entities (BUMA) Amikom. The second form of vocational YAPIS request to Amikom to provide guidance to students in vocational YAPIS and provide trainings and seminars to teachers and employees throughout the Islamic Education Foundation in Papua.
The first day of a visit to SMK YAPIS just friendship and introduce a bit about STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. The event was attended by the entire brief civitas of SMK YAPIS and continued with talks agenda, which runs until Saturday February 2, 2013. Hopefully the event will take place next can proceed smoothly and helpful. (\ MZN)

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