STMIK AMIKOM visit to SMAN 1 Sumbawa

On the last day in a series of agenda Lombok, Yogyakarta Amikom team took time to come to the SMA N 1 Sumbawa Besar, Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara. In this opportunity Amikom intends to confirm the follow up of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been agreed by the SMA N 1 Sumbawa Besar with STMIK Amikom Yogykarta the creation and maintenance of school website. The deadline for the end of this MoU mnedatang in mid 2013. Of the SMA N 1 Sumbawa Besar will be able to follow up with a confirmation letter will be sent a few days after this meeting took place. This is because some of the teachers are busy to prepare the class XII exam and particularly national parties deal directly with the school's website was not there.

Agenda friendship which takes place on Saturday, February 9, 2013 at around 8:00 pm, after the confirmation of Amikom delivered to the school on the website SMA N 1 Sumbawa Besar, then Amikom team given the opportunity to provide motivation to the representative of the students of class XII. Motivation is given to students in the form of the introduction of the potential contained within and delivery of the steps to self-improvement in order to be better prepared in preparing for national exams. (\ MZN)

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