On 12-14 February 2013 two lecturers presented a paper STMIK Yogyakarta AMIKOM padaInternational Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (6th ISIEM) 2013 in Batam and Singapore. Two lecturers are Pandan P. Purwacandra, M.Kom and Ferry Rev. Wibowo, M.Cs. Paper presented entitled "Optimization of MIDI Synthesizer On The Illustration of Movie Music".
The paper describes the use of language in the world of MIDI musicsaat this movie. At the beginning of its development, the film experienced some movies yaitusilent era (1894-1927), music and the early sound films (1894-1933), music in classical style-hollywood movies (1933-1960), and film music in post-classic period (1960 -present). Panda music era and the early sound films occurs film using a projector and orchestra musicians to play directly in conjunction with the film in theaters, until about the year 1960 when recording technology was invented, movie music created in a large studio orchestra with many musicians. So that the screening of a movie in the theater is no longer with the orchestra musicians are playing simultaneously with the film.
Currently developing MIDI language technology, the advanced technology the sound sampling, analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and movie production software synthesizerberdampak on musicyang played by some of the original musicians and some of the music played by musicians using MIDI technology. MIDI with various advantages - such as small file size, easy to be edited and moved - benefit more than just the aspect of time consumption and cost. With sound quality depends on the quality of software synthesizers, MIDI provides an optimal solution in the creation of computer-based music movie. (-and)
Source: Amikom.ac.id
The workshop, which is a series of events from JGF (Jogja Game Festival 7-10Februari 2013) was held for two 2 days starting from June 8 to 9 Februari2012 Februari2012. This workshop was held at Cisco Lab (GIS) Building 1 second floor STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta.
This workshop was organized to introduce the process of making a simple Flash game to the participants who followed him. Every day workshop was divided into two sessions. The first session was held at 09:30 to 11:30 and 12:30 to 14:30 hours the second session was held. The first session is filled with the introduction of flash games, the tools used, along with the programming language used. For the second session is coding / programming and flash game Rocket deadly finishing. The workshop was attended by 39 participants ranging from students and foreign students Amikom Amikom and public.
Speakers were filled by personnel Cupcorn Games Agil (06/11/1021), Boni (11/01/2831), dwiari (10.11.4088), and July (09.12.3537). They are a combined team with experience in game development.
Source : Amikom.ac.id
Technopreneur Seminar is one of the agenda in Jogja Game Fest 2013 organized by the team Amikom Game Dev (AGD). Technopreneur seminar was held on the second day of the date of February 8, 2012. This seminar is free with some of the facilities provided by the committee. Technopreneur Game seminar is from Agate Jogja represented by Frida Dwi as founder Agate Jogja. Here Dwi many stories about the founding of the beginning Agajo to be like now. He also shared experiences about the game world in Indonesia ranging from history to developments in the business world.
In this discussion, we can conclude that the development game dev in Indonesia is growing very rapidly, including the city of Jogjakarta bernotabene culture, and core strength development itself is on active student participation, because in addition to their hobby also enhance awareness of technology among society.
After the speakers finished delivering materials moderator gave participants the opportunity to ask questions. And sharing of door prizes. Completion of the Seminar participants are welcome to visit the exhibition towards the venue.
Source : amikom.ac.id
Showcase is an event held on the agenda parent Jogja Game Fest 2013. Works on display are 100 works of Sketches and Digital Artwork drawn from AGD 18 games. The works are drawn from game wallpapers, game characters that have been released, the game assets that have been released, the game will sketch a project in the works and some works produced by yag untitled comrades 2D and 3D AGD.
Visitors welcome to view the work and receive an explanation of the comrades AGD existing venue. In this exhibition, there beberpa agenda held to enliven the atmosphere, for example, is Game Playing Competition. This agenda is a series of events in Exhibition Game, all are welcome interested visitors play games in venues, in some of the games that are determined, participants who received the highest score will get a parcel from the AGD. Quota participants who may play, Unlimited with lighter rules submitted by the committee.
Source : Amikom.ac.id
Date 7-10 is a solid agenda for Amikom Game Dev (AGD) and Cupcorn Games. Game Dev Community, chaired by Tri Agoes Haryanto being held an event dedicated to Game Dev Jogja, Jogja Game Dev (JGF) 2013. The agenda is being carried out in order to celebrate the first anniversary of the fall right AGD on January 20, 2013 last.
The event was held after preparation for some time, "We have to prepare the things needed from the end of 2012 since this event has not been implemented even in Jogja.", Said Chairman of AGD. "We also have a mascot for its name JOGES JGF this time. Yells all the JGF year, JOGES Greetings! Jogja Game Fest! ", Said Chairman of the JGF, Vienna. In one day's agenda Jogja Game Dev there are several events organized, not just one event and one place only. "On average there are three activities are organized in three places every day." Said Sie Events JGF. There are events held in the basement of the building such as Yogyakarta AMIKOM IV STMIK 100 Works Exhibition, talkshows, Game Playing Competition and Competition Sketches etc, workshop held in AMIKOM GIS Lab, Seminar held in the Auditorium Building 6 STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta and Travel Games held in Classroom and exhibition venue. There are 9 Agenda agenda JGF events in a single year. What is it? Keep up with our report ... [ER-AGD]
source : amikom.ac.id
Amikom Yogyakarta Indonesia began to spread its wings to the East rather Makassar Makassar Selatan.dihari first team from Yogyakarta Amikom represented by the Head of Quality Assurance STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta M. Rudyanto Arief, MT and two people from the Student Staff Promotion Yuliana and Iqbal Supriadi SMT Having a goal will perform at SMK N 5 Makassar.
There we are greeted immediately by the Principal of SMK N 5 Makassar Mr. Rush were very open at all with our team of Amikom Yogyakarta. Before we SMT also sharing the SMK N 5 Makassar. Apparently SMK 5 makassar are schools which has been labeled the International they Never represent Indonesia in Robotics Competition in the UK and every year they always send students to study abroad and some have already worked there.
The team of Amikom Pun Doing SMT Meeting room of SMK N 5 Makassar which followed about 60 students from each representative - each department listed there. During the 60 minutes we fill SMT and we are ending silahturahmi to SMK N 5 Makassar with a small recalls memories of Yogyakarta, we hope to established a very good relationship between STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta and Makassar SMK N 5 so as to establish cooperation in any field. (bye)
Source : amikom.ac.id