The workshop, which is a series of events from JGF (Jogja Game Festival 7-10Februari 2013) was held for two 2 days starting from June 8 to 9 Februari2012 Februari2012. This workshop was held at Cisco Lab (GIS) Building 1 second floor STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta.
This workshop was organized to introduce the process of making a simple Flash game to the participants who followed him. Every day workshop was divided into two sessions. The first session was held at 09:30 to 11:30 and 12:30 to 14:30 hours the second session was held. The first session is filled with the introduction of flash games, the tools used, along with the programming language used. For the second session is coding / programming and flash game Rocket deadly finishing. The workshop was attended by 39 participants ranging from students and foreign students Amikom Amikom and public.
Speakers were filled by personnel Cupcorn Games Agil (06/11/1021), Boni (11/01/2831), dwiari (10.11.4088), and July (09.12.3537). They are a combined team with experience in game development.
Source : Amikom.ac.id