Lecturer STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta ISIEM Presenting Papers in 2013

On 12-14 February 2013 two lecturers presented a paper STMIK Yogyakarta AMIKOM padaInternational Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (6th ISIEM) 2013 in Batam and Singapore. Two lecturers are Pandan P. Purwacandra, M.Kom and Ferry Rev. Wibowo, M.Cs. Paper presented entitled "Optimization of MIDI Synthesizer On The Illustration of Movie Music".

The paper describes the use of language in the world of MIDI musicsaat this movie. At the beginning of its development, the film experienced some movies yaitusilent era (1894-1927), music and the early sound films (1894-1933), music in classical style-hollywood movies (1933-1960), and film music in post-classic period (1960 -present). Panda music era and the early sound films occurs film using a projector and orchestra musicians to play directly in conjunction with the film in theaters, until about the year 1960 when recording technology was invented, movie music created in a large studio orchestra with many musicians. So that the screening of a movie in the theater is no longer with the orchestra musicians are playing simultaneously with the film.

 Currently developing MIDI language technology, the advanced technology the sound sampling, analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and movie production software synthesizerberdampak on musicyang played by some of the original musicians and some of the music played by musicians using MIDI technology. MIDI with various advantages - such as small file size, easy to be edited and moved - benefit more than just the aspect of time consumption and cost. With sound quality depends on the quality of software synthesizers, MIDI provides an optimal solution in the creation of computer-based music movie. (-and)

Source: Amikom.ac.id